DATE / TIME: Friday, February 7, 2025 7:30 pm


Force adversaries to talk and you may achieve peace.

What happens when you lock up a Celtic fan with a Rangers fan on the day of the big match?

Fireworks! That’s What!

Des Dillon delights, entertains and educates on the religious origins of Celtic-Ranger conflict.

Beneath its amusement, this award winning play explores bigotry and ethnic identity on both a microcosmic and macrocosmic scale. Through the lens of the two characters locked in a prison cell, we witness the generational repercussions of Catholic and Protestant strife.

Furthermore the play functions as a broader allegory, addressing bigotry-motivated hate across multiple communities. It extends beyond the immediate conflict, including references to the UK immigration crisis and tensions in Palestine, making it a powerful commentary on the universal nature of prejudice and division.

“The sheer vitality of the theatrical writing – the seamless combination of verbal wit and raw kinetic energy, and the pure dynamic strength of the play’s structure – makes this show feel like one of the shortest and most gripping two-hour shows in current Scottish theatre”. — THE SCOTSMAN
Singin’ I’m No A Billy, He’s a Tim scores big with a pitch-perfect performance, dribbling between humour and social commentary with finesse.” – Mary Baillie
“The play functions as a broader allegory, addressing bigotry-motivated hate across multiple communities. It extends beyond the immediate conflict, including references to the UK immigration crisis and tensions in Palestine, making it a powerful commentary on the universal nature of prejudice and division.” –
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ️ ️ – Broadway World

AGE: 16+

GENRE: Play / Comedy

PRICE: £33.75 - £29.25

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